Tech Tack #4

Thanks for everyone who commented on my post for this task, your comments helped a lot. I just want to write a note about what I want to do with my blog and my intensions. I would like to try and create a space where future teachers can look for ideas about teaching and things you can do in your classroom and with your students. I believe that as a future teacher we should be making learning fun and interactive for our students. There are so many ways we can teach our students rather than them sitting in desks taking notes. During my pre-internship I had the opportunity to work with a grade 2/3 split class. My focus unit was Science, this was so much fun. Every day we were doing something hands on and interactive which kept the kids engaged and always wanting more. It was a very rewarding experience for me to see their enthusiasm in what I was teaching them. For my unit I got a lot of ideas from pinterest, which I am sure a lot of other people do too. I am going to post a link to my education board for people to take a look at and see what I have been saving. Also if you like follow me and you can see all the things that interest me! Have fun!

Education Board

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